Pancakes & History
Every civilization, it seems, has enjoyed pancakes.
Do you know of a civilization that never developed pancakes? We don’t either. They apparently got their start in 600 BCE Greece, a newfound recipe meant to use up ingredients that would have spoiled otherwise. Greek poets Magnes & Cratinus crafted works paying homage to the warm, sweet cakes called Tagenias, from the Greek word for frying pan.
Around 1100 CE pancakes were made every Shrove Tuesday, which came to be known as pancake day. The practice was meant to use up ingredients before Lent began the next day. No surprise that indulging these high-calorie confections led to the day’s better known name, Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday.
So, what does this have to do with mindset? In a general sense, from time out of mind we humans have centered our societies largely around food, its preparation, presentation, and consumption. What drove that gastronomic focus was the mindset of scarcity. Most human civilizations that cropped up through the last three or four millennia are now gone. The Aegeans, Assyrians, Dorset culture, Egyptian, Minoan, Gerzean, Hongshan, Inca, Aztec, Mesopotamian, etc., all of them are gone, as will ours be in a short blink of time.
Our guess is that whichever society succeeds us will have their very own version of pancakes. The human mindset is crafted to respond to its environmental, social, philosophical, religious, communal, and ethical pressures and influences. When we recognize this simple fact, that mindset is baked into our society like eggs and flour in the pancakes we eat, we can sift them, measure them, weigh them, and perhaps make better choices on what works for us or does not.
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What are you doing tomorrow, Wednesday November 22nd at noon Eastern in the U.S? Come join us for our webinar titled Thoughts Become Things. We’re going to teach mindset matters you never considered. This webinar will be the best 45 minutes you’ll invest in yourself for a long time. Come join us, you’ll be glad you did! And invite three friends. They’ll be glad you did!
What are you doing tomorrow, Wednesday November 22nd at noon Eastern in the U.S? Come join us for our webinar titled Thoughts Become Things. We’re going to teach mindset matters you never considered. This webinar will be the best 45 minutes you’ll invest in yourself for a long time. Come join us, you’ll be glad you did! And invite three friends. They’ll be glad you did!
Come prepared to take notes. Most of this information will seem new, strange, and provocative. As mindset coaches, we see and hear all kinds of reactions, and responses. This webinar will change your mind about a lot of things. You may want to tell a friend as well.
If you’d like more tips and tools on mindset and relationships, book a call with us today. We studied under Kim Calvert, the world’s number 1 mindset & personal development guide. Kim studied with Bob Proctor, and her insights and mindset are extraordinary in their power & wisdom. Kim has given us tools we use every day to not only elevate our own relationship but other peoples’ as well. It’s what we do. Give us a call today and we’ll share more of these tips and tools with you. You can reach us through the website:, or email us at