Emersonian Advice

Byron Edgington
2 min readNov 15, 2023

Life’s greatest accomplishment is simply being who we are.

Do you struggle to be who you know you truly are? Do you suppress the ‘real you’ a lot of the time — or most of the time?

Do you wish you could break your chains, express the real, amazing, powerful self you know is crying to get out, and demand that the world pay attention?

We believe that describes too many people. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote about this as the great poet and humanitarian struggled with the demand to be heard and seen:

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

Mr. Emerson certainly knew what he was writing about. How often do you retreat to the comfort of your hidden self, despite that place not being very comfortable?

That’s no way to live, is it? We’re telling all we know and meet that it’s time to make that leap, to achieve their greatest accomplishment. Someone recently wrote: “You don’t have to be great to start; but you have to start to be great!”

Let’s see the real you, and we’ll celebrate together!

#celebration #selfdiscovery #selfimprovement

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Byron Edgington

Retired helicopter pilot, aviation writer, award-winning author with several published works, I live in Iowa City Iowa.